A Day on E Main Street

Now that the weather is getting warmer, it’s a great time to take a walk down E Main Street. If you’re trying to figure out where to stop on your walk, here are some great recommendations.

A great place to stop for breakfast is Grill & Skillet Diner. They have a classic diner feel and will serve up great food and memories. Their food is fantastic and reasonably priced.

Grill and Skillet Diner

Grill and Skillet Diner

The next pit stop will be Big Walnut Park. This one is a bit of a walk, but it’s always good to get that exercise in. Big Walnut Park is a great place to go on a walk, relax, and enjoy nature. This will be a great part of your E Main Street experience.

Big Walnut Park

Big Walnut Park

Your next stop for lunch is going to be at Papa Joe’s Pizza. It’s always nice to go to a local place for some good pizza. Papa Joe’s is reasonably priced and a great alternative to corporate pizza chains. They also have a classic pizza shop feel.

Papa Joe’s Pizza

Papa Joe’s Pizza

The next stop is going to be Grain & Grape for a relaxing cup of wine or cold glass of beer to ease into your afternoon. Grain & Grape has a classic, elegant, and relaxing feel. Although its only the afternoon, it’s 5 o’clock somewhere!

Grain & Grape

Grain & Grape

At this point in your day, it is just about time for dinner. Your dinner stop is going to be at The Top Steakhouse. The Top is a popular go-to on E Main Street. They have excellent food and a great date night feel. They even have live music every evening.

The Top Steakhouse

The Top Steakhouse

You have come to your final stop of the day on E Main Street at the Blu Note Jazz Cafe. This is a great place to wind down after your long day and relax to some nice jazz music. This will be the perfect end to your day on E Main Street.

Blu Note Jazz Cafe

Blu Note Jazz Cafe

These are just a few possibilities for your day on E Main Street. Get out there soon and enjoy the great weather, as well as all these great places that E Main Street has to offer!